About me

Hello! My name is Paloma and as my mother always tells me: “I put your name very well with that of having wings…”. From Sevilla, I am in love with my hometown, but I left my origins following my nomadic and adventurous spirit. I am passionate about getting to know cultures, different people, new places and universes…. So today, I live in Paris, a city that I carry in my heart and where I have been able to maintain my cosmopolitan side.

The idea of ​​creating “Beauty is All Around” does not come only to share my explorations and travels in France or the world, but to express a form of travel that nourish, which is not only consumerist. A type of trip that changes your gaze, with which you learn, share and enrich yourself with the culture, history or gastronomy of the place you visit. You will see that part of the routes that I show represent that forgotten world of the towns, of nature, of our roots … and it is the value of traveling in rural and local areas … to be able to find all those forgotten and hidden treasures waiting for those adventurers who want to discover them.

“Beauty is All Around” is not just a travel blog, it also carries with it a philosophy of life: “Beauty is in the eyes of those who want to see it.” That is why I have included other categories in which I will talk, among others, to live with awareness and positive thinking

I wish you a good reading!
